10 Software Project Management Tools

Software project management tools…

Geno Tech
5 min readOct 31, 2022

Here you’re welcome to another of my tech knowledge-sharing discussions on Medium. It is about software project management tools. I have used many tools for software project management and team management. I will share my experience with 10 software management tools I have used by comparing and contrasting their features. You can add more tools you have used within the comment section. Here I’ve shortlisted the best project management applications based on my research.

However, your point of view may be different than mine because you may form another tech stack with different devices, languages, frameworks etc. But I ensure the reliability of these applications because they are many popular tools.

Tool #1

Monday.com is a popular application which is no doubt you’ve had an advert from them before. It’s been on the market for some time now. It’s getting famous due to its simplicity and visually pleasing user experience. This allows small and large businesses to collaborate on one easy-to-use platform, and monday.com now generously offers individuals a free plan ideal for freelancers and small businesses looking to get started with project management and/or customer relationship management.

Now monday.com has a range of flexible views. Inside this application, you can change it to a variety of views. Still, one thing that people like most is the nature of this application from day one, so you can sign up and get started. It looks like a spreadsheet but a much cleaner spreadsheet. From the start, you can express different views and learn about the applications on the go with this application. This application also has some powerful automation that can be leveraged yourself. If you need some integrations to do or you want to embed within your application, such as slack or another application, you can do it easily with Monday.com. Now it also has a range of templates which are great for getting started.

Tool #2

The following tool is Asana. This has always been popular with the marketing and sales team. Asana has been in the market for ages, and Dustin Moskovitz is the founder of Asana, and he was a co-founder of Facebook. Asana is a long-standing application that a lot of people love and use. Inside Asana, there’s a great range of views. You do have boards and timelines, but comparably to other applications, they don’t necessarily have as many, but it is also super popular with the integrations. It also does have a fantastic youtube channel that, every month, much like many of the others, dives into what’s the new update with the application.


ClickUp has been slightly less popular than Asana and Monday, but they have been trendy for the last couple of years. ClickUp has a wide variety of views allowing you to chop and change how you see data. It also has a different experience called docs, which allows you to create a document and collaborate with other people, similar to the notion and, to some extent, in creating a little wiki experience inside your account. If you’re using this as a solo application, you can experience it, and you don’t necessarily want to commit to investing your whole team.

Tool #4

Trello is another application you should know because it’s a well-known application nowadays. It’s owned by an Atlassian company, which acquired them a few years ago. The Trello team are focused on building an application with a compelling nature behind it, a very simplistic setup. Many people know Trello is a kanban/Broadview, but they’ve recently added a few more views, such as tables, calendars, etc. It also has a powerful function called butler automation(No-code automation), and also power-ups they’re allowing you to connect to other applications and have mini-apps working inside of your Trello boards to do certain things.


Previously this was not a project management tool, but now it’s adding and growing as a project management tool. I have seen many teams performing well with Notion in software project management. Many teams in different contexts are using it, and people love that it’s more like a wiki and projects in one location. People love to capture all that siloed information. Notion has got much more powerful by allowing you to connect it with other applications. Now it takes a little education to learn, so it takes a little time. It gives you the flexibility and the portability to go and take it a lot further. So that’s one thing you’ll find and love inside of Notion.

Tool #6

My following selection is Wrike. Wrike is very popular in marketing and sales teams, and it’s also popular with management. Features inside of it for being able to organize team resources, and it is an effortless experience to get started with in terms of its look and layout.


Teamwork developed in Ireland and is more focused on agencies but has the flexibility to be available for anyone or any group. It is much more of a traditional setup, and you’re not necessarily going to see some of the advanced views you see in Click up and Monday. However, it’s got great billable minutes experience, so if you’re working with a client, you can determine how much time is spent on specific projects or pieces of work.


It’s a reliable experience. A lot of people love this for remote experiences and asynchronous behaviour. But it is a bit pricier at 99$ a month it does come costly if you have a small team. However, when you’re using it for as many people as you like, you are still playing 99 per month, so the pricing works out if you’re a larger team and also you can also manage your to-dos and calendar in there.

Tool #9

It’s called Hive, with quite a nice set of features. He’s got some extraordinary chat abilities in communicating with people in real-time. It’s also really well known for timesheets and also team resource management. For example, plan and see what other team members are working on at any given time. It also got an elegant focus mode so that you can block out any distractions and take away any websites that you are regularly visiting. It’s a fantastic feature which helps to increase our productivity.

Topic #10

Finally, my selection is Paymo. It’s not a payment gateway or something related to payments. It allows you to manage your projects. It helps you to track your time, and it’s more popular with those who are very time-orientated, who work with clients or maybe even who work and build their time online directly. It is more of a tool that is orientated towards analysis. You can also go much deeper with reports.


In future, the world is running more on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Being able to connect the applications that you may other work with and to be able to start doing more of the work behind the scenes for you is where the project management applications are heading in the future. Please feel free to share what the project management application you currently use in the comments below.

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Geno Tech

Software Development | Data Science | AI — We write rich & meaningful content on development, technology, digital transformation & life lessons.