Flutter Architectural Patterns, State Management & Flutter Declarative

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #55

Geno Tech
4 min readFeb 4, 2022

You’re welcome to another Flutter discussion. Here I am trying to share my knowledge with extra findings in Flutter. Up to now, I have written 54 articles. Also, the majority of them have excellent responses. Here I am going to discuss different architectural patterns, design patterns, and state management, which are important topics because those are the fundamental best practices you should have as a Flutter Developer.

You have heard these terms very well in your developer careers, such as design patterns and app architecture. All these terms are bounded by complexity. The complexity is getting high with the size of the application. It’s not a big case to handle a to-do app or simple calculator app. But in large apps, there are many tasks with high complexity. When complexity increases, the opportunity to do things wrong also increases. That’s why we can see those different architectures in different companies also. So when we handle the architecture, we can see that everything is going smoothly and efficiently.

MVC Architecture

This is the most famous architecture, even in mobile applications. You know the concept of this architecture, which is easy. You have the model which manages the data, And view for managing what goes to the screen, and we have the controller who acts as the middle man of other components.

For example, when the user taps on something in-app, the view sends a message to the controller about the input event. Then the controller makes a data request from the model. So the model class deal with the database and send back the fetched data to the controller. Then controller sends those data and updates the view. This is the simplified way to see how the MVC pattern is working. It is efficient because it separates our large apps into several categories to simplify our work.

Imperative and Reactive Programming

Traditionally native apps are built with imperative code. It’s kind of like, you have a boss, and he tells you what to do today as a to-do list. In another way, the employee can execute the tasks without any manager’s command; that is how reactive programming works. Earlier it was imperative programming. In Flutter, we can initialize many components. Such as a button or a listview. Initially, we define what to do in their lifetime. How do you need to respond when tapping on you, which state you want to change, like that. In this case, we more adopt State Management rather than design patterns. Reactive is the same in another word called Declarative. You can learn more about Flutter declarative in the following article.

State Management

How we can manage the states of our apps and how we increase the complexity of our app is more important to convince the developer. Before we dive deep, we have to find the best state management. Here I have written two articles to explain different state management in Flutter.

So I recommend reading these articles and getting an idea. Or you can find any other source to learn these things. You can research developers’ opinions of their natural and robust experience. You have more alternatives for state management. There also have not a best one. All are best, and it depends on each project’s scale, complexity, etc. These different state managements, we can define as different architectural blueprints. Your architecture is different from your app requirements. You might have specific design patterns or state management approaches that are matched with your app requirements. Also, your architecture says what the style of your app is. Different developers like different types. Finally, these selections are based on the maturity of the developer because Flutter is still relatively new and growing and evolving. People are getting in touch with Flutter and still searching for the best approaches.


This story gives you knowledge about Flutter’s best practices and how other SE practices relate to Flutter. Please feel free to ask any question you will face in the response section below.
Happy Coding !!!!
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Geno Tech

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