How to Update PHP Version Without Re-Install XAMPP Within 3 Steps

Update your PHP version of XAMPP on windows

Geno Tech
2 min readOct 14, 2021
Photo by Ben Griffiths on Unsplash

In some cases, we need to update the PHP version of our machine. If you are working with XAMPP you can update the PHP version of XAMPP by following the steps below. But here I am not going to directly update XAMMP because it may be causes too many errors and warnings. These steps help you to update the PHP version without any error in XAMPP.

First, see the current version of the PHP of the localhost dashboard as follows.

Image: Checking the current PHP version

Here my existing version is 7.2, So then I am going to update it to version 7.3. You can

Step #1

Go to the following URL and download the relevant zip file as you want.

Image: downloading XAMPP zip file.

Step #2

After download it, you need to extract the zip file. Extracted folder has a sub-folder call php replace that folder with your existing php inside your installed XAMPP folder.

Then you need to update the ‘php.ini’ file inside the php folder because of that file we just replaced it with php folder. There you can find using xampp and replace the path to the php.ini file of your machine.

Image: Editing the php.ini

I have found and changed 8 occurrences. I have to add just ‘C:’ at the start of every occurrence. It may be a change in your case.

After you changed the php.ini file, finally you need to do another replacement.

Step #3

Finally, replace the apache folder in your existing XAMPP folder with the downloaded XAMPP folder.

Now you can see the PHP version has been updated successfully by restarting XAMPP.

Happy Coding !!!!
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Geno Tech

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