What Are the Main Advantages of Flutter? Why Should You Choose Flutter in 2022?

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #56

Geno Tech
4 min readFeb 19, 2022

This article will learn the different advantages of using the Flutter. Flutter is a framework for building multi-platform applications from a single code base. Let’s consider we have written some applications using a Flutter. That same application can be deployed to Android, IOS, Desktop, web, and embedded devices such as cars and smart televisions. Flutter uses Dart language for creating the application. Google developed Flutter, and version v1.0.0 was released in December 2018. And the Flutter 2.0 was released on the 6th of May 2020. Let’s understand what are the advantages of using Flutter.

  1. Cross-Platform Support

As discussed in the first paragraph, the same application can be deployed to Android, IOS, Desktop, Web, and Embedded devices. Flutter compilation enables you to create the native application for any of the respective platforms. This advantage is available through the whole development process. Moreover, we have some updates or bug fixing later in the application. You don’t need to open multiple code bases because we have a single code base, so we have to fix the bug in a single code. This cross-platform support saves your efforts, your time, and money as well.

2. High productivity

Flutter is highly productive and saves a great time in application development. Flutter uses JIT, which is just in time compiler, to compile your program. Using JIT, we get a facility called hot reload, which means whenever there is some update or changes to be done in the code, you just have to save your code. Whatever modifications you have, it will update your app during runtime, and you can see the changes almost instantly without losing the state of the application.

3. Fast and High Performances

Flutter is not the only cross-platform development framework in the market. There are so many platforms that have cross-platform support, such as React-native, Xamarin, and ionic. The significant advantage of Flutter over them is that it is fast and has a high performance. Flutter code is compiled into the native machine code. It is converted into the native ARM code in the case of Android and IOS. In the case of desktop, It is converted into the native intel machine code, and in the case of the web, it is converted into the native javascript code. The native code given by the Flutter has high speed and high performance compared to other frameworks.

4. IDE Support

Flutter is supported by all the basics to advance kinds of IDEs, such as the Android Studio, VS Code, IntelliJ, Emacs, Eclipse, and vim. Out of these all, Android Studio is my favorite, and I will be using this in my entire Flutter journey.

5. Flexibility

Flutter is highly flexible and allows us to control each screen pixel, so it allows us to create a highly customized adaptive design with a great look and feel. It doesn’t matter what screen you’re using. You might be using a phone with a small or large screen, or you might be using a tablet, laptop, desktop, or maybe you’re working with a web, so every screen you can have great control of each pixel.

6. Strong Ecosystem

there are more than 350 000 flutter applications created so far there are more than 2 million flooded developers across the world and there are more than 20 thousand flutter and dark packages available for creating your application.

7. Extensive set of Libraries

pub.dev is the official website where you can find Dart and Flutter plugins. There you can see more than 20 000 libraries, or you can see available packages that range from creating custom UI components, authentications, state management solutions, and so on.

8. Built-in Widgets

Flutter comes with a massive set of built-in widgets that range from simple widgets such as the text to advanced widgets such as the dismissible. Every widget in Flutter is highly customizable to customize it to a great extent and use it in your application as per your requirement.

9. DevTools

Flutter provides the dev tool, an excellent tool for analyzing and debugging your application. Using this tool, we can inspect our UI and the state of our application.
We can also find the UI janks and performance issues in the case of our application. We can analyze our code and even check out our app size.

10. Open source and free to use

Flutter is an open-source software development kit that enables smooth and easy cross-platform mobile app development.

I think you should be aware of all of these advantages well. And if you are following these qualities, you can succeed as a Flutter Developer. Please feel free to ask any question you will face in the response section below.
Happy Coding !!!!
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Geno Tech

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