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What to do when forgetting Android KeyStore and Key Password?
This problem can arise when you update your Android application in the Play Store. So you just need to create a new app bundle. At that time, you need to give your JKS file path and Key Store and Key passwords. If you need to remember your password or you give incorrect passwords, it will give you the following error message.
Cause: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption.
What is the solution?
There are lots of suggestions in StackOverflow, ChatGTP and many other communities. But I followed the path below.
- Go to the App signing of your app in the play console.
- There you can see the Request upload key reset. Then you will be directed to the page that shows the steps to solve the issue. There are 4 steps to complete to request a new app signing key.
- First, select the reason as I forgot the password to my…