Why Choose Flutter In 2022?

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #53

Geno Tech
5 min readJan 30, 2022

Flutter is an open-source software development kit that makes creating cross-platform mobile apps painless and straightforward. You can quickly create high-quality natively built apps for iOS and Android without writing separate code for each platform. All you need for both systems is a single codebase.
Last year, Flutter’s product managers claimed that over 2 million developers had used the toolkit since its release in 2018. The spring release demonstrates that consumer and enterprise app development is an upswing.

What does Flutter do?

Flutter is a cross-platform framework that allows developers and businesses to work with a single codebase while deploying to numerous platforms.
Mobile (Android/iOS), Web, Desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux), Smart TV’s/Devices (AppleTV, Android TV, etc.), and Cars were among them at the time of writing.
There is currently no other framework capable of broad deployment capacity; the closest is React-Native, which covers Android and iOS with Web support provided by a third-party development team. Google uses Flutter for several Google Assistant modules and the Google Home hub’s user interface. Flutter is used by well-known e-commerce service providers like eBay, Groupon, and Alibaba Group to give their mobile and web apps a consistent aesthetic.

Why Flutter?

  • The budget

Because it is a single framework written in a single language that supports numerous platforms, you can probably anticipate that it is considerably more cost-effective because it eliminates the need for a separate development team for each platform. Normally, an application would require two or three teams, one for Android, another for iOS, and a third for Web if that was part of your product availability.
This also means that development time can be cut in half, which is incredibly beneficial for startups or the early stages of a new product’s development.

  • Performance

Flutter is one of the most performant frameworks, especially native languages, and it outperforms other cross-platform technologies by a wide margin. The standard is 60 frames per second (FPS), which is relatively high on its own. Flutter uses JavaScript Bridge to smooth up the initialization of screens, making them appear more fluid.
Dart Analysis and Flutter Inspector are two developer tools that help developers evaluate their code and maintain performance requirements. Similar tools are available in Android Studio to help you optimize and debug your code.

  • Adoption in the industry

Developers are enthusiastically adopting Flutter.
This is due to several factors:

  1. Flutter comes with a plethora of widgets and ready-to-use solutions. This makes Flutter app creation time-saving and straightforward, ideal for enterprises who need their goods as soon as possible.
  2. The framework presently supports six operating systems. With just one code base and a little editing, a developer may release their software on six different platforms:
  • iOS, Android, and macOS
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Web

3. Flutter supports native code. This means that a programmer can do almost anything a native language can.

  • Ease of Maintenance

After the app is out, it will need a lot of upkeep to meet requirements like bug patches and the ability to add new features. If the app development platform anticipates code changes for each new feature, this might be costly and time-consuming. The Flutter framework allows for a uniform codebase across platforms and provides plugins and widgets, allowing app developers to adapt consumer expectations to create smooth and scalable apps. You have the option to add additional features.

  • Single Codebase

Enterprises place a high focus on expediting application development and implementation. Flutter is a programming platform with a unified codebase. Developers can now compile and distribute programs to numerous devices simultaneously. Therefore, Flutter saves a lot of time for developers and allows them to focus on other aspects of the product.

  • Rich libraries

Flutter makes use of the Skia Graphics Package, an open-source graphics library that is both fast and stable. Every time a view changes, the UI is redrawn. What’s the result? The program loads quickly and runs smoothly.

  • Ample Libraries and Excellent Documentation

Despite being a newcomer, Flutter has a lot of libraries to assist you in achieving any degree of app functionality. Furthermore, in Flutter, onboarding new programmers are pretty simple, providing you a significant amount of flexibility in selecting developers for your app. Because Google is so enthusiastic about Flutter, they’ve made it a point to create outstanding documentation for it, with every feature, functionality, and technique detailed in great detail, making it simple for new developers to get up to speed quickly.

  • Beautiful UI

Flutter’s comprehensive set of Material Design widgets and Cupertino widgets and behaviors enable your app to appear and feel natural and native now that Material has adopted Flutter as its first-class platform. Flutter’s customizable Widgets allow you to create stunning apps in aesthetic appeal and UI design. You may combine strong interfaces that make your app look like an experience that reflects mature branding thanks to its platform-specific scrolling, functional reactive framework, nautical patterns, rich fonts, and more.

  • Simple Platform-Specific Logic Implementation

Aside from the user interface, many real-world mobile applications rely on advanced OS-level functionality like collecting GPS locations, Bluetooth connectivity, sensor data collection, permission handling, credential management, and so on. Many of these are available when constructing a Flutter application using a Google-supported ready-to-use plugin. Of course, there may be times when your software relies on an OS feature that isn’t currently accessible as a plugin. Flutter makes it simple to connection between native code and Dart using platform channels. Therefore You can maintain the native apps also by adding codes simply.

‍Flutter is, in a nutshell, the easiest method to create a high-performing cross-platform mobile app. I’m sure it’ll only be a matter of time before Flutter is recognized as the ideal cross-platform UI framework. So we hope that if you hesitated to choose Flutter for your app development, you have a fair idea of why you should consider Flutter.

Happy Coding !!!

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Geno Tech

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