Why We Should Use Flutter When Developing All Kinds of Software Applications

Flutter Knowledge Sharing #60

Geno Tech
5 min readSep 13, 2022
Image: Why We Should Use Flutter

This is the 60th step of our Flutter knowledge-sharing journey. This article will discuss why you should learn flutter now. The new release of flutter 3.3, which has quite a bit of high level, goes over some of its fascinating features. Some of the features of the new release are It expands support for the evolving web development with several new components and several bug fixes. And it includes new features aimed at tablet and desktop developers. This release will experience improved performance across desktop, web, and mobile. In this article, I’ll talk about why you should consider using flutter or why potentially you should not use flutter.

The main benefit of using flutter web is you can use flutter web to get a version of your app on a live web page. Let’s take the example of Spotify, and there is a website. But on their website, you’re not able to listen to music, it’s just informational, and it’s just their website that’s essentially getting you to download their app. But Spotify also has a web app that you can listen to music on in the browser where you can listen to music. It might feel like you’re still on the same website because your domain is likely the same, but that part of the website is what flutter web would allow you to do. It’s taking the content of the existing app and putting it on the website.

The next most crucial flutter feature is the cross-platform development environment using a single code base. When you get involved in building mobile apps, you focus on IOS and Android. In flutter, you can use the same code base for both IOS and Android and web, which means you can build desktop apps. If you use a mac, you can have a mac app that you can download on your computer. So, as the Spotify example, you can download a Spotify app on your computer that’s separate from their website and the app on your phone. Flutter would allow you to have an app on your computer, and then you can also have that app on your phone. The good thing about flutter is it’s all using the same code base. This means that you can build this app with one code base, and you can run this app on any platform. While not every single platform is supported but most important ones are supported. You can run the app on ios and Android, which is always available, and now you can run it on the web. There’s more support for you to run it on your actual desktop. This means that one code base and running your app on all these different devices and device types is precious, especially if you’re the only developer on the project. These adaptive flutter apps will also take advantage of the platforms in virtual interfaces.

Another significant advantage of flutter is its rich plugins and packages. Flutter is a relatively young framework with over 15 000 packages and plugins, some of which come from big companies like adobe, amazon, eBay, square century, and Alibaba, which all built some code or packages that are now compatible with flutter. Flutter is now starting to categorize these packages with different tags to kind of show you the ones that are the most popular, trusted, favorite packages by the flutter developers. This is beneficial and allows you to reuse code that’s already been built.

The other reason to work with flutter is that it snowballs and that growth creates many opportunities. Large and small companies are utilizing flutter and contributing to flutter. Companies like Ubuntu, Microsoft, and Toyota have rewritten their installer app to use flutter, and it’s also making fodder the default choice for its new desktop and mobile apps. Microsoft is contributing to flutter by adding that support for windows. Also, it’s adding support for foldable devices, so both are being continually worked on and, over time, will improve. Toyota will use flutter for its infotainment system, basically like another platform now being supported. Because if you also look at the trends and vehicles and how we’re moving toward electric cars. So, if you can build an app that can run in your truck with flutter, that’s so valuable, which is another platform.

There is a new market that’s going to be opening up with all of that upcoming features. This is another opportunity with flutter; with all these companies starting to use flutter, there will likely be more flutter jobs. There are a limited number of jobs versus native programming languages like swift and java, but companies are trying to utilize flutter in their products and adding support for flutter. This will change to have a higher demand for flutter developers when you should use flutter if you are an individual building your app. So, you are the only person working on your app, and you want to get something built, and you want to get something working that you can make without one code base and have your app on all these different devices and all these different platforms. Anyway, flutter is a relatively easy framework to learn.

Let’s see what situation we should not use flutter. If you’re trying to build a website, flutter is not a good choice for that because there are better choices for building sites, and your website doesn’t necessarily need a mobile app component to it. Then flutter is not the best choice. But flutter is the way to go if you’re trying to build a mobile app.

Another concern is that some people might have been what is flutter limited by those native coding programming languages. But that all comes down to the type of app you’re trying to build. Flutter may not be the best choice if you’re trying to develop a game app. Still, flutter is the best choice if you’re trying to build an app that is essentially consuming some data and displaying it to the user, allowing them to manipulate it and then save it. But when trying to build a mobile app, time is an element you should keep in mind if you can use flutter and get an android and an IOS app done in the same amount.
In this article, I talk about why we need to use flutter and what are the pros and cons of using flutter.

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Geno Tech

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